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Hot Rod Power Tour 2012: Day Eight, Rocking the Long Haulers

Got up extra early today as the Long Hauler show said to be at 8 am. So I was so anxious I was up at 5:45 in the morning. Made my way to the morning breakfast spot and was greeted by the MoPowered Tour core group. We filled up on food and made our way to the park. Oh yeah, and they did swap over the fan in the 71 Charger last night… crazy.
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Another broken down Chevy.
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The park was packed as usual. It was one lane coming in, but of course some people don’t feel the rules apply to them. And a Mustang and a Shoebox Chevy decidee to go around everyone and cut to the front of the line. The wife in the shoebox excuse was that they had been cut off the other day, so it was alright now that they cut everyone else off.
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Here is the Chevy guy. Told us to F-off. Such nice people on Power TOur
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Clarence and Mr. Pitt came out to the field, told us that the Tour is starting in Arlington next year. Then Freiburger made his way to the mound and told us about the cool stuff to come and too look forward too. The new refresh which comes out in less then a month is going to be awesome.
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Unfortunately for the picture, everyone had to go out on the field. So we made out way down onto the field. And somehow someone brought there dogs out there. And they were running around free. They were adorable, until the one took a dookie right on the field. Shortly after that we snapped our pictures, I grabbed some swag and made our way back to the cars.
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We got back to the cars and said good-bye to our MoPowered Tour bretheren. It was sad parting, but it was a blast while it lasted. I finally was able to meetup with the “Old Glory” van guys for long enough to shoot the thing! Look for it in an upcoming issue of Mopar Collectors Guide.
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Then Mike and I hit the road. Fortunately he was on my route to Monster Mopar. So we followed each other for the next 6 hours! Only two gas stops and were got there! I had no idea that Oklahoma had tolls.
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Same Mustang that cut us off at the Park was driving home the same way.
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Then Mike and I got to his neighborhood where his wife Nina met us for dinner at a local hang out. Some good country fried steak! Just what I needed for the next 5 hour drive! It was sad to leave my friend. But our week of fun was over. Back to reality on Monday.
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And then there was one.
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Every year I see an airplane on a trailer at some point!
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I miss my 93 RamCharger.
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And after 12 hours of driving roughly I had enough and put in at a Drury Hotel just outside of St. Louis so I can pop into Monster Mopar tomorrow without issue. So one more blog to go!
Here is all the pictures from today.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. diana koomler
    June 12, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Thanks for your great pictures .We left the tour in Champaign Ill. This was our 8th year for the tour. But had to get home home for God Sons graduation .. will be there next year for sure .. Did they give any citys for next year.. Diana Repop63@aol.com

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